
Consult Your Doctor

To start Meniett therapy you will need to obtain a prescription from your doctor. You will also need to have a small ventilation tube placed in your eardrum. When you start Meniett therapy, be sure to follow your prescription and do not skip any treatments. Meniett therapy can reduce your vertigo symptoms and improve your quality of life.

Once you and your doctor decide it is right for your Ménière’s disease, these are the steps you will take.

Before you begin Meniett treatment

First you will get a prescription so you can order your Meniett device. Then your doctor will place a small ventilation tube in your eardrum. The procedure is usually done in the doctor’s office, so you will not have to check into the hospital. It takes about 10 to 20 minutes.

Your treatment plan

Doctors usually prescribe 3 Meniett treatments a day with each taking about 5 minutes. Once you have your Meniett device, your doctor will show you how to use it. The device is small and easy to use, thus your treatments can be done at home, work, or just about anywhere.

If your Ménière’s disease responds to Meniett therapy, your vertigo attacks will become less frequent or less intense. You will also have regular follow-up visits with your doctor to monitor your Ménière’s disease and check the ventilation tube.

It is very important that you do not skip any of your daily Meniett treatments. Otherwise you may not feel the full effects of the therapy and become a candidate for an otherwise unnecessary invasive surgical procedure.

Medicare covers medically necessary Meniett therapy for Ménière’s disease. The Meniett device is considered a durable medical equipment (DME) and is covered by Medicare nationally through the Durable Medical Equipment Regional Carriers (DMERC). When filing for reimbursement, your doctor will need to use HCPCS code E2120 for the Meniett device.

Some private healthcare plans offer coverage for Meniett therapy while other insurance companies pay on a case-by-case basis. You should contact your insurance provider about coverage for Meniett therapy for Ménière’s disease.


Your supplier may be able to support you getting coverage for the Meniett device for your Ménière’s disease. Under the Download page you can also find a sample of a Letter of Medical Necessity that you can discuss with your doctor.

Here are answers to some common questions about Meniett therapy for Ménière’s disease. Please contact your doctor with medical questions about Ménière’s disease.

How long has Meniett therapy been used for Ménière’s disease? Is it experimental?

The Meniett device is not an experimental treatment for Ménière’s disease. In the US, patients have used Meniett therapy since it received FDA clearance in 1999 for Ménière’s disease. It’s been used in Europe since 1997.

The American Academy of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery is the most well-recognized and well-respected organization for ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialists. In their position statement, revised on 3/20/2016, they write:

“We find that there is some medical evidence to support the use of micropressure therapy (such as the Meniett device) in certain cases of Meniere’s disease. Micropressure therapy can be used as a second level therapy when medical treatment has failed. The device represents a largely non-surgical therapy that should be available as one of the many treatments for Meniere’s disease.”

Does Meniett Therapy help every patient?

Each person’s Ménière’s disease responds differently to different treatment methods. Meniett therapy is indicated for relief of the vertigo symptoms of Ménière’s disease.

What is the success rate?

It depends on your specific situation. Available clinical literature supports a relief of the vertigo symptoms in about 2 of 3 patients.

When can I expect to see a difference in my symptoms?

It depends on your Ménière’s disease. Most Ménière’s disease patients who are helped by Meniett therapy will see a difference within 6 weeks. It’s very important to follow your treatments every day for at least 6 weeks. Don’t skip any treatments. If you do your treatments exactly as prescribed for 6 weeks and your vertigo doesn’t get better, then Meniett therapy may not help your Ménière’s disease.

Why do I have to repeat the Meniett treatments?

Ménière’s disease patients have too much inner ear fluid called endolymph. However, endolymph helps you hear and maintain your balance, so your inner ear always produces it. Consequently, the fluid will eventually build up again after each Meniett treatment, so doctors usually prescribe three Meniett treatments per day.

Why do I need a ventilation tube in my eardrum? Is it permanent?

The ventilation tube is only there for as long as you need Meniett therapy for your Ménière’s disease. Your doctor will check the tube periodically to make sure it is still in place and open. Once the tube is removed, the eardrum usually heals completely.

How strong are the micropressure pulses? Do they hurt?

The Meniett’s micropressure pulses are not painful. The maximum pressure is 12 mbar. This is the same as what you are exposed to if you swim 5 inches under the surface of water. Natural pressure changes to the inner ear, like sneezing, are several times stronger.

How long do I keep using Meniett therapy?

Research shows that Meniett therapy is effective for long-term use in most Ménière’s disease patients. In general, Ménière’s disease patients use Meniett therapy for as long as they need it. Most patients who are helped by Meniett therapy notice that their symptoms return if they stop their Meniett treatments. However, eventually, your Ménière’s disease may go into remission. Be sure to consult your doctor with your questions about your Ménière’s disease treatment.